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People prefer to challenge the stereotypes rather than live in illusions (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In modern times people often make the effort to challenge the stereotypes about various social groups and conditions which have been around for tens, hundreds or even thousands of years. However, as far as I am concerned, many people still prefer sticking to beliefs they were previously taught to tackling them.

To begin with, it seems to me that despite the campaigns of non-profit organizations and certain people to tackle the stigmas, almost every nation experiences stagnation, meaning that even young people tend to regress and hold conservative, chauvinistic beliefs. For example, in USA there is a movement of alt-right young persons raised by so-called ethnicity and gender critical bloggers which is rising at an alarming rate. Their racist and sexist statements spread like wildfire, so that hundreds of years of fighting for women's and people of color's rights fall apart.

However, it is argued that challenging these stereotypes is a more likeable alternative for people to living in illusions.

To my knowledge, there are thousands of organizations aimed for ignorant bigots, which goal is to tackle the stigma connected with certain social classes, races, genders and even medical conditions. I would hazard a guess that if these organizations are still in demand and thriving, then it shows that there are not only people who keep to their illusions, but also those who strive to dispel the myths. Although the thought is pretty heartwarming, I am afraid that the former part of the population still prevails over the latter one, which is why these campaigns are still needed in modern times.

Taking everything into account, I would say that humankind leans towards more conservative behavior by nature, consequently, it is not surprising to see that people prefer to live in illusions formed by their ancestors beforehand. Nevertheless, I believe that it is essential to dispel harmful stereotypes. Had it not been for the efforts of revolutioners willing to challenge stereotypes, I suppose we would still live in caves, afraid to think outside of the box.


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