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With the Internet we no longer need TV example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The Internet has played an important role in people’s life for recent years. Some people believe that we can use the Net instead of TV while others hold an opposite view.

In my opinion, television belongs to the past and lose its popularity. Firstly, access to the internet allow us to watch or rewatch any programme whenever and wherever you want. In this situation, the Internet is rather suitable thing than TV because first offers convenient time and place for watching for you. Secondly, this way also provide wide choose of programmes, shows and movies that are accessed for every user.

However, my opponents believe that the Internet will never substitute the TV. They claim their position so that the big number of viewers are elderly people and television’s replacement will be quit difficult.

It is much easier to turn one tv and change channels than to find necessary programm in the Net.

Personally, I disagree with the above opinion. In the era of modern technologies more and more adults understand the importance and convenience of the Internet so there is no problems with using the one.

To sum up, there are different opinions on this problem, I still believe that people do not need the television anymore with the Internet.

The Internet has played an important role in people’s life for recent years. Some people believe that we can use the Net instead of TV while others hold an opposite view.

In my opinion, the Internet will never substitute the TV. Firstly, the big number of viewers are elderly people and television’s replacement will be quit difficult. It is much easier to turn one tv and change channels than to find necessary programm in the Net. Secondly, while TV provides free access for watching any channel, the Internet sites demand payment for it.

However, my opponents believe that television belongs to the past and lose its popularity. they claim their position so that access to the internet allow us to watch or rewatch any programme whenever and wherever you want. In this situation, the Internet is rather suitable thing than TV because first offers convenient time and place for watching for you.

Personally, I disagree with the above opinion. In some places the internet access is too slow or even disappear so it is impossible to use it. In this case, TV is more practical and available for everyone.

To sum up, there are different opinions on this problem, I still believe that the Internet is not able to replace TV.


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