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39 и 40. The family is the school of duties, founded on love (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)




August 7th, 2017

Dear Lorrie,

Thanks for your letter! It’s nice to hear that you have a lot of interesting hobbies.

In your letter you asked about my hobby. I like to collect snowballs from the places I’ve been. Also I like to spent time with my friends but we go out quite rare because we all are busy with school and other stuff. And russian weather doesn’t help either because it’s unpredictable and mostly cold.

By the way, what do you do to help your mother with the house? Do you have other family duties? Which right in the family is the most important for you?

But I’ve got to go now! It’s time for the evening walk with my dog.

I hope to hear from you soon.




The russian proverb says: “An apple falls not far away from an apple tree”. It means family has a huge impact on our future lives. That’s why atmosphere in it should be loving and caring.

I personally think parents must treat their children with respect, both supporting them in their beginnings and teaching bases of life and responsibility it has. Firstly, the next generation will grow up good people with sense of duty but with unique in abilities founded in childhood.

Secondly, with such upbringing children will never forget their parents and will help them when they become old. They will do it not because they have to but because they want to.

But some people think that a young person should learn everything in other social institutes like school or kindergarten. In their opinion, these places are more prepared for that function. Also they say that if family less interfer life of a child he will understand his needs from young age.

However, I disagree with these contentions. First of all, children spent most of their time at homes with their families which means they are more important for them than other nonrelative people. Secondly, it can be hard for a child without support of adults to find his place in life.

To sum up, the family is a the roots from which grows our personality, and healthy fruits grow only on healthy trees. That’s why the family should be based on love and respect.


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