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Some people think boys and girls should study separately at different schools. Others think they should be taught together (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the problem of joint and separating studying of girls and boys has excellent arguments. Some think that boys and girls should get an education together while others believe they have to study independently. Where is the truth?

In my opinion, girls and boys should study together. Firstly, it would be more exciting and diverse for them.

oys and girls mostly have different points of view and opinions. So while learning, they all would get more joy and experience of communication. It is a proven beneficial way of studying.

Secondly, many students and sociologists found out that getting an education for boys and girls provides better grades and perceiving information because of its diversity.

So it is an effective practice for both genders.

Nevertheless, we have another point of view on the issue. Some people believe that boys and girls cannot study together. Firstly, boys and girls could be aggressive to each other because of different points of view. Also, people suppose they have to study particular objects connected to the genders. They think girls should learn "girly" subjects, while boys should learn "for boys". In this way studying separately would be much favorable for them.

Despite my respect for the opinion, I cannot share it. Firstly, teachers and parents should see their children and explain how to behave yourself and respect everyone. Secondly, it is a massive delusion that every gender has to study something particular. Education must not impose on children what to learn by their gender.

In conclusion, I would like to say that girls and boys should get education together become it is beneficial for both girls and boys.


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