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Wild animals' imprisonment should be stopped / Everybody would like to work from home (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about keeping wild creatures in captivity. This problem is controversial. Some people think, that it is cruel to imprison animals and harmful for them, while others argue that keeping some species in captivity is better for them

As far as I am concerned, the imprisonment of the eild animals leads to negative consequances and harm to ecosystem. Firstly, in the institution where animals are kept in captivity, they are often poorly cared for. Owners sometimes save money on them. Moreover, imprisonment negatively affects animals' behaviour. They can becomr more aggressive, that will pose a threat to the animals themselves and to the workers.

However some people are convinced, that keeping animals in captivity helps to save some endangered species, which are becoming extinct in the wild.

For example, animals, which are kept in the zoos are not threatened with death by predators or hunters.

I can only respectfully disagree with the opposing opinion. In many cases, it is impossible to recreate the natural habitat of animals, which affects their ability to reproduce. Therefore, captivity does not save animals from becoming extinct.

Taking everything into consideretion, I strongly believe, that negative consequences of imprisonment of the animals outweigh the benefits of keeping them in captivity.

The problem of choosing a place to do the job has been controversial. We may see two completely different points of view. Whilst it is widely believed that it is much more comfortable to work distantly, this point of view is not shared by everyone. A lot of people are convinced that everybody should do their job in their proper working place.

As far as I am concerned, working in your own special working area, for example, in an office, is much more effective. Firstly, while working at home, people have a lot of distracting factors, such as family, pets and etc. , so they could not concentrate on their job and do it properely. Secondly, working in the same reduced spase causes many diseases, and it is also very exhausting. While working in a special working area, a person contacts with his or her collegues, does different types of work without getting bored or tired.

Nonetheless, some people state the opposite. They claim that distant work gives a lot of different new opportunities, so people learn more usefull onformation and get new skills.

However, I have to disagree with the point of view, written in the previous paragraph. There are many types of jobs, which cannot be done distantly and need a person to be at his or her working place. Not everybody has an opportunity to work at home.

Taking into consideration all the statements mentioned above, I do firmly believe that benefits of conseevative type of working outweigh the advantages of distant job. There is no substitute fir traditional type of job.


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