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Some people think boys and girls should study separately at different schools. Others think that they should be taught together example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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It’s popularly discussed that boys and girls should study separately at various schools for the reason that this way of learning is more effective meantime others disagree with this view.

In my opinion, boys and girls should study separately for some reasons. To begin with, many scientists are convinced that academic achievements increase because teachers will use variant ways of learning. Moreover, some boys have become more feminine studying with girls. Finally, children often face with bulling from the opposite sex.

ulling can destroy confidence and make a person depressed.

Opponents of this view don’t approve separation of sexes in school.

If boys and girls are separated from each other, a lot of problems will appear in communication between them.

esides, co-education forms friendly relationship and teach children to help each other in solving some difficult tasks during the learning.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I can’t share it. Separated teaching method has proved its efficiency in some countries. For instance, Great

ritain. I think this method helps to understand boys and girls better.

To conclude, it’s up to you whether to agree with me or not. I believe that each person have to decide what kind of school he or she wants to visit.

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It’s popularly discussed that boys and girls should study separately at various schools for the reason that this way of learning is more effective meantime others disagree with this view.

Вступление написано по теме “Мальчики и девочки должны учиться раздельно в разных школах по причине того, что этот способ более эффективен. Заявленная же тема звучит шире.

4. Контраргумент

Despite my respect for this opinion, I can’t share it. Separated teaching method has proved its efficiency in some countries. For instance, Great ritain. I think this method helps to understand boys and girls better.

Нет опровержения мнения оппонентов.

5. Заключение

To conclude, it’s up to you whether to agree with me or not. I believe that each person have to decide what kind of school he or she wants to visit.

Вывод не соответствует типу эссе, здесь должно быть четко прописанное мнение автора.

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