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Some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money example пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Nowadays foreign languages become a part of the everyday life. Some people think that is very important to know at least one foreign language. Others believe that learning foreign language is a time-consuming process that takes a lot of money.

In my opinion, learning foreign languages is an essential part of our life and it is worth spending money and time on it. First of all, people travel a lot.

ecause of this fact, they need to know at least English. It is very difficult to communicate with each other abroad without speaking foreign language. Secondly, it gives more career options. Employers prefer employees speaking different languages, because large and well-known companies have connections abroad.

Lastly, learning foreign languages gives an opportunity to become more intellectual person: to read a book or to watch film in original.

Nevertheless, some people think that learning foreign languages is not cost-effective and useful. It is very difficult to achieve a high level singly meanwhile the cost of courses is extremely high.

esides, there are a lot of activities that bring pleasure. For instance, some people prefer doing sports instead of learning languages.

However, I cannot agree with the above point of view. A person can effectively study on his own using free videos and exercise books in the Internet. Moreover, learning language can be fun if a person adds watching his favourite movies in the foreign language to the study program.

In conclusion, I would like to say that tastes differ. However, I strongly believe that learning languages is worthwhile and brings many benefits.

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Nowadays foreign languages become a part of the everyday life. Some people think that is very important to know at least one foreign language. Others believe that learning foreign language is a time-consuming process that takes a lot of money.

Вступление не соответствует заявленной теме “Изучение иностранных языков - это пустая трата времени и денег.

3. Мнение оппонентов

Nevertheless, some people think that learning foreign languages is not cost-effective and useful. It is very difficult to achieve a high level singly meanwhile the cost of courses is extremely high. esides, there are a lot of activities that bring pleasure. For instance, some people prefer doing sports instead of learning languages.

Нет четко сформулированной мысли почему это бесполезно учить языки.

4. Контраргумент

However, I cannot agree with the above point of view. A person can effectively study on his own using free videos and exercise books in the Internet. Moreover, learning language can be fun if a person adds watching his favourite movies in the foreign language to the study program.

Из-за того что мнение оппонентов сформулировано неудачно и не по теме аспект засчитан быть не может.

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