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Love is the most important thing in life // It is better to go to university far away from your home-town than to continue living with your parents (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

People can love their parents, significant others, friends and children. We feel love from the start of our lives and it helps us to feel true happiness. Secondly, this feeling pushes us to be better and stronger. If you are in love with someone you can overcome any problems, fears and challenges.

On the other hand, there is a large group of people who are sure that love is overrated. They say that this feeling brings pain instead of joy and you cannot trust other people because they can break your hard. Money is the most essential thing for these people. They will not betray and you can buy clothes, housing and other experiences to become happy.

As for me, I do not agree with the opposing opinion because you cannot buy feelings and happiness.

People who love you will always be around you and will help you in any situation while money can run it and you will be left with nothing.

In conclusion, I think true love is the greatest thing in love and everyone wishes to have it.

Many teenagers choose between going to university in another city or in their hometown. There is a large group of people who believe that moving far away from your parents after school has more benefits while others disagree with them.

In my opinion, it is better to go to university in another city. Firstly, students who live and study far from their parents become more responsible and mature because they know that they need to deal with problems on their own and parents won’t help them. Secondly, young people develop their communicative skills, learn how to do household chores and spend money responsibly if they live in another city. Students start to respect their parents more because they understand that life is not easy and it is hard to be an adult.

On the other hand, many people are against of young people going to university in other cities. They are sure that it is unnecessary and expensive. Parents will have to pay for housing, food and other expenses.

As for me, I do not agree with the opposing opinion because for many students moving to another city gives more opportunities for better education and job. Moreover, students can live in dormitories which are inexpensive and sometimes even free. In addition, young people can find a part-time job and earn money for their expenses.

In conclusion, I think that students who live and study in another city get more life experience and mature quicker than those who stayed with parents.


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