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Our school administration is planning to introduce a new school uniform (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)




Dear Lisa,

I’m so glad to get your letter. Sorry that I couldn’t write you earlier as I was abroad.

As for school uniform, not all

ussian students wear it since some educational institutions don’t have strict rules regarding school dress code. Personally by big dream of school uniform is to wear the logo of the school itself with black bottom and white top as classics are always trendy.

ut i would say that boys should wear trousers or jeans and girls need to wear squirts.

egarding your exchange program, when exactly will it be? You’re going to spend it with your classmates, aren’t you? Will it be for a month or less?

Sorry, I need to go, my tutor is coming.

Write back.



Words: 129




Dear Lisa,

I’m so glad to get your letter. Sorry that I couldn’t write you earlier as I was abroad.

As for school uniform, not all

ussian students wear it since some educational institutions don’t have strict rules regarding school dress code. Personally by big dream of school uniform is to wear the logo of the school itself with black bottom and white top as classics are always trendy.

ut i would say that boys should wear trousers or jeans and girls need to wear squirts.

egarding your exchange program, when exactly will it be? You’re going to spend it with your classmates, aren’t you? Will it be for a month or less?

Sorry, I need to go, my tutor is coming.

Write back.



Words: 129


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