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40. Hitchhiking is the best way to see the world for young people (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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The question of whether you can easily travel around the globe using hitchhiking will always be controversial. Although many people think that there are plenty of alternatives, others claim that hitchhiking will always be the best way of traveling.

In my opinion, hitchhiking gives opportunities for travelers. Firstly, the young usually do not have a full-day job, so they do not have enough money to travel far away from their hometown.

It makes this way of traveling more profitable for them than buying tickets on the train. Secondly, it is a way to meet new people with whom you can get along well during your trip. Moreover, making friends is considered to be the best thing in traveling.

However, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that young people are too vulnerable to travel all alone. Hitchhiking, despite its good sides, is the most dangerous way of transportation. Additionally, you can stand by the side of the road for the whole day, but nobody will stop to pick you up. It means that you do not have a guarantee of being picked up.

I cannot fully agree with the statement above. The young hitchhikers are aware of the danger this way of traveling provides for them. That is why they always bring with them means of self-defense. Moreover, the train can be delayed. So, you do not have strong guarantees using this transport either.

In conclusion, I believe that hitchhiking is one of the best ways to see new places, but young people should think about their safety first.

Оценка эксперта:

K1 - 0 баллов.

Два аспекта не раскрыты (вступление и заключение), остальные раскрыты не полностью.

Вступление не соответствует заявленной теме. Автостоп - лучший способ для молодых людей повидать мир.

The question of whether you can easily travel around the globe using hitchhiking will always be controversial. Although many people think that there are plenty of alternatives, others claim that hitchhiking will always be the best way of traveling.

Во-первых, автор забыл ключевое - young people. Во-вторых, во вступлении фигурируют целых три темы. Автостоп - самый легкий способ путешествовать, существует много альтернатив автостопу и наконец, автостоп самый лучший способ путешествовать.

Выражая свою точку зрения, автор опять забывает про молодых людей.

In my opinion, hitchhiking gives opportunities for travelers.

В аргументах young people то есть, то нет.

Firstly, the young usually do not have a full-day job, so they do not have enough money to travel far away from their hometown. It makes this way of traveling more profitable for them than buying tickets on the train.

Secondly, it is a way to meet new people with whom you can get along well during your trip. Moreover, making friends is considered to be the best thing in traveling.

В опровержении контраргумента о том что можно простоять на дороге целый день и никто тебя так и не подберет зачем-то появляется поезд.

Moreover, the train can be delayed. So, you do not have strong guarantees using this transport either.

В заключении, точка зрения автора не ясна. Является ли автостоп самым лучшим способом путешествовать для молодых или же им стоит воздержаться и думать в первую очередь о своей безопасности?

In conclusion, I believe that hitchhiking is one of the best ways to see new places, but young people should think about their safety first.

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