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Euthanasia (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people believe that euthanasia should be legalised.

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about legalising euthanasia. The majority of people are against such an action but there are some, who strongly believe that this needs to be done.

Personally, I think that euthanasia should be performed even with the patient’s permission.

Firstly, border between euthanasia and murder is very shaky-both in terms of possible criminal prosecution and in moral and ethical terms. It is one thing to think theoretically and give advice to others and another to perform euthanasia with your own hands. Secondly, from the first day of doctors’ practice an ethical foundation is laid- to do everything possible to save the patient’s life. The concept of euthanasia is in deep conflict with this basic moral principle.

And finally, medical technologies have charged significantly. Today patients, whose diseases and conditions were unpromising for medicine relatively recently, survive and recover.

On the other hand, even if you save a terminal patient from physical suffering, it is impossible to protect the patient from mental anguish. Moreover, people supporting euthanasia believe that in a desperate situation a person has a right to die.

I still strongly believe that the burden of making decisions and performing actions at this level is immeasurably heavy things.

To summarise, doctors and society as a whole should not turn a blind eye to the problem of terminal patients, choosing the simplest and most cowardly way.


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