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Commenting «Confidence Lab» (Английская Литература)

The article under review is entitled “Confidence Lab” and is written by unknown author.

It dwells on the problem of lacking in confidence. The main purpose of the article is to let people know about different confidence-building exercises that could help one increase his or her self-assurance.

The author starts by telling the reader about the first exercise which is called “A 30-Second Commercial”. He claims that first assumptions and judgements that other people make could be controlled by an individual simply by doing this exercise. He describes that one should get across traits that define himself and set apart from other people. Moreover, an individual must write them out, put the information into a presentation or advert of exactly 30 seconds and present it to a close friend or in front of the mirror. The author claims that if you have a self-assured, upbeat answer of your personality, then whoever you are talking to will get a good impression of you.

As it goes further, the second exercise presented by the author is called “Tell People’s stories”, which main idea is to listen to the other person’s story without interrupting him and then, after the “storyteller” has finished, the listener should then “report” their story back to them. The author states that it can give people an enormous feeling of worth and belonging and is particularly good for relationships. As the third option, the writer offers to try the “Let it Flow” exercise, which aims on recalling positive emotions in order to have a boost of confidence. It is described as particularly useful training for social situations as the main idea is to recall a moment when you were supremely confident and let it flow through your body. After that, you should simply think of an “anchor” which would help you triggering off the feeling of confidence whenever you want. In conclusion, the author describes the “Be your Own Hero” exercise, which involves acting out a situation in two different ways: as a character that you admire and as yourself. As a result of that, you will try to imagine how your hero might behave in different situations and, in comparison, uncover hidden attributes in your own personality.


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