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Something went wrong (Школьные сочинения)

As soon as I saw the rest of the group at the airport, I realized that I had made a dreadful mistake. Have you ever had the feeling that something went wrong? I had one in the exact moment, and I felt so embarrassed about it as I approached to the rest of my group. By the way, let me introduce myself: I am a 25-year-old programmer from Silicon Valley and it was the “I-always-dreamed-about” journey around the world. I’ve been dreaming of it for 2 years since I first saw an advertisement in local newspaper. “It’s unbelievable, unforgettable, and unique experience that you have ever had!” they said. A lovely advertisement, isn’t it? But I should have paid attention to the fine print on the contract before buying a ticket.

Finally, the day of my holiday arrived. I woke up at 7 feeling so joyful and inspirational that I even forgot about breakfast time. Before leaving, I had already checked my documents, luggage and turned off the electricity in the house. After few moments, I sat in a taxi cab and hit the road.

When I stepped out of the vehicle, I couldn’t imagine that something could go wrong, but as I entered the main entrance of the airport and reached the check-in counter, my brain started going wild. After that, I met a good-looking guide and he led me to the group. Oh, that was a horrible thing to realize that the group I had to spend more than two weeks with consists entirely of old people!

It goes without saying that I should have read the fine print on the contract before getting involved in that journey. As you can see, there was a postscript describing a target audience of this journey: old people. Needless to say, that I was young and fresh and had nothing in common with elderly people, that is why at the moment I realized that my holiday is entirely ruined. The moral is, read the fine print.


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