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Spring (Школьные сочинения)

As you can see, there are four seasons in a year and one of them is spring. Many people like spring because it is a time for doing things just because at this time everyone is full of energy. Spring months are: March, April and May. In spring, days get warmer and become longer, the sun shines brighter. In other words, nature wakes up and gets more colorful, that is why we can say that spring is the morning of the year.

Early spring is usually unpleasant because the thaw sets in and snow melts. Be aware of cars and buses when they go along the street at this time because you can be easily splashed with mud. Besides, awful icicles still hang from the roofs; the temperature is not that hot but it is more than ten degrees above zero that is why it still freezes rather hard at night.

Late spring is a more attractive period than early spring because sometimes the sky is overcast with heavy clouds and we may have first spring showers.

Without any doubt, I like it very much when I see first spring showers in spite of their being short. As you can see, late spring is full of new life again just because leaves and buds grow back, flowers burst into blossom and everything becomes tender green. More and more people prefer to spend their time in the open air enjoying the season, riding bicycles and so on. By the way, migrant birds return from the south and start their nesting season singing their merry songs and making everyone happier. We must not forget to mention the farmers with their sowing campaign opened. As you can see, spring is the time to plough the fields and plant the crops for the coming year, which people can eat later.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I like spring because it is rich in colours and makes me feel better.


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