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Multiple intelligencе (Школьные сочинения)

"There are no big restrictions for growth, because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination and surprise" — Ronald Reagan.

All people have different talents. Some become artists, others - athletes, and others - actors. Anyone has their own individual style of life and individual style of work. Each person has their own learning style and their own strengths. Sometimes it is found that they have well developed abilities, appropriate to several types of intelligence, not one. Knowing and learning intelligence might be one of the most important things in life.

Everyone has all seven types of intelligence, but some of them are more developed, and some less.

I did a survey among my parents, sister, and classmates. And make sure that all people are different.

For example, my sister has a strong kinetic intelligence, and the worst is intrapersonal.

My parents have a well-developed logical mathematical intelligence.

As for me I have developed linguistic and mathematical-analytical intelligence. But I am an introvert and it is a bit difficult for me to show my abilities because I don't like being in society and often I’m afraid to say something wrong.

In this way, intelligence is one of the most important factors for achieving the objectives. It can be congenital, but it still needs to be developed. If the intellect is not improved, then it is useless.

For me the theory of multiple intelligence makes a lot of sense. Just because you can't solve math problems or score well on tests doesn't mean you aren't intellect. Maybe your intelligence comes in a different form.


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