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We are studying not for school, but for life (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

“We are studying not for school, but for life” - a simple thing that so many students often forget. Yet it is true: the knowledge that we gain during our school years is what we are going to use after graduation, it will stay with us forever, we are the ones who is going to rely on it. Our grades matter, but, sooner or later, school will be over, but our knowledge will not disappear. 

Students are often told that they are the “face” of their school, that they should work hard to keep the school in the top of the ratings. It goes without saying, we should keep up the school's image. But in the end it all boils down to the fact that students are the ones who benefit from school's good image and a high position in the ratings. Their hard work not only develops their skills and enlarges their knowledge, it also allows the school to take a higher position in the ratings and be better financed, which helps provide students with better equipment for their studies.

So, that proves that achieving high results can get you the opportunity for improving the conditions for your studies, but it doesn't mean that you study for school, for getting good marks. 

Teachers do not need our knowledge, their task is to help us gain it and then to check how well we know the material. Which means that we do not study for them, we do it for ourselves. Any responsible student knows it and learns the material for themselves. 

All in all, our education is our responsibility, how well we study will affect our life. We do not do it just for good marks, for teachers, we do it because our knowledge is what we are left with after graduation. Your diploma is what will help you get a job, but if there is nothing in your head, that diploma is just a piece of paper. 


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