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Signing petitions: will it become more popular? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Every person has rights and responsibilities. That includes a right to fight for something you believe in or for something you think you deserve. Protesting is a way of fighting, it can be both peaceful and violent. But let's not talk about violent protests, as they are a separate topic for a discussion. Among peaceful protests, there are flashmobs, organizing marches, signing petitions and others. I reckon that signing petitions is one of the most promising ways of protests.

First of all, as technologies and social media are developing, new ways of signing petitions are appearing. It is very popular nowadays to collect signatures for a petition through the Internet. I, personally, have signed plenty of petitions online.

It takes about 2 minutes to log in and sign the petition. Pretty easy for something that is supposed to make a change, isn't it?

As there are a lot of people using the Internet and it's easy to sign an online petition, it leads us to another point: it is easier to collect more signatures. Which means that it is more likely that this way of protesting will work. 

However, not all petitions get enough attention that their organizers were counting on. It might not be as useful to sign as it is to march. That's why marches and boycotts can have more influence on the problem. 

Taking all pros and cons into consideration, I came to the conclusion, that signing petitions is a good way of protesting, although it may not work every time and it might be necessary to go out to the streets sometimes to get more attention. But it is still worth doing, as it can make at least some change. 


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