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The Maze Runner (Английская Литература)

Last month I read a bool called “The Maze Runner”. It is the first book in the dystopian science fiction trilogy written by James Dashner. James Dashner is an american novelist who writes for teenagers in the adventure, post-apocalyptic and science-fiction genres. His most famous works are “The 13th Reality” and “The Maze Runner”.

To my mind, the plot of this book is really breathtaking. The story starts when a boy named Thomas wakes up in the elevator without any memories about his past except his name. When the elevator doors open, shocked and frightened Thomas sees a group of teenage boys who also have no memories besides their names. Little by little, Thomas finds out what is this place.

It’s called Glade and it is the center of a horrible maze that is full of monsters known as Grievers.  The Gladers are trying to stay alive and to find the way out from this place. They run through the Maze and try to draw a map. However, it’s not as easy as you may think because the walls of the Maze move every night. 

Being a runner is extremely dangerous, but Thomas has a feeling that he has to become one. When he finally does, he discovers that the walls of the Maze move in a special way and they are actually a code and the Maze is spelling out words. I think, that was the climax of the story because later, these words helped the Gladers to escape the Maze. After that, Gladers were rescued by a group of people who told them about the Flare - an apocalyptic occurrence that has killed half of the world’s population. 

In the epilogue it’s said that the Maze was a scientific experiment that was supposed to help scientists to find a cure of the Flare. The fact is that almost every Glader has the immunity to the Flare because their brains work different from others. That’s why those teenagers are really important for the humankind. 

As I understood, the author shows us how it is important to keep fighting for your life and to try as hard as you can to stay alive. Fortunately, we live in completely different conditions from those ones that are described in the book. But we all think about the future sometimes, don’t we? Thus, anyone can be interested in reading “The Maze Runner” but mostly teenagers because, as I have already said, Dashner writes about teenagers and for teenagers. 


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