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Emma (Английская Литература)

Book report 

“Emma” by jane austen

Last month I read a book called “Emma”. It is a novel by a very well-known British author - Jane Austen. You must have heard about her, as she is one of the most famous female writers. I have no doubt you are familiar with her novel called Pride and Prejudice, but there are other works by Jane Austen. For instance, Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Mansfield Park (1814). As for “Emma”, it was written in 1815.

Let's pass over to the story. The book tells us about a twenty-two-year-old woman, Emma, who, as it says in the first sentence, is “handsome, clever, and rich”. Emma herself believes that she'll never get married, as she has no wish to do that, however, when it comes to somebody else's love life, Emma likes to take an active part in it, by making matches between two people.

In other words, she believes that she's got a natural talent in making two people fall for each other. However, as it keeps turning out throughout the book, what Emma has is no talent, it is simply her imagination, and it often gets her into curious and, occasionally, awkward situations, when she mistakenly matches wrong people. 

One of the problems that the book raises is, in my opinion, the problem of imagination being so powerful that it can affect your judgement, make it not objective, but biased. Emma's mistakes, caused by her powerful imagination, have brought a lot of pain to her friends, who happened to be involved.

I would recommend this book to somebody, who is interested in romantic novels, or wants to feel the atmosphere of the XIX century England. 


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