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Strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde (Английская Литература)

Last month I read a book called “Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson. Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist and travel writer. He was born in 1850 and died in 1894. Stevenson was famous in the XIX century and now he is the 26th most translated author in the world.

As far as I understand, this book is about good and evil sides of a person's character. That leads us to the problem of the story: there is always more than one side of someone's personality, we all have both a good and a dark side. I think that the message that the author tries to tell us is that nobody can be defined just as good or evil. 

In the story, Dr Jekyll is a man, very respected by society and his friends. However, he has darkness inside of him. As the story goes, we learn that Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are one person and Hyde is a kind of a reflection of Jekyll's dark side.

At the end of the novel, Hyde dies, so I believe it means that the good side took over. 

I agree that there are two sides in everyone's personalities. We can't define anything as absolutely good or absolutely evil. 

In conclusion I'd like to say that we always should look at one thing from different points of view, considering different aspects. It is the same with people. We should never assume that somebody is good or evil, because we all have more than one side of our personality.


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