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Some people think that boys and girls should study separately at different schools. Others think that they should be taught together (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people have various preferences so it is natural that some of them think that students of both genders should study in the same school. Others are against arguing that boys and girls should study in single-sex schools. Who is right?

In my opinion, there are many things to be said in favor of studying in co-educational schools. Firstly, it is a brilliant opportunity to become more flexible and be ready for the life in a world where men and women work together.

This experience is likely to be useful in your future life. Secondly, not only does such a studying help to make a close friendship with people of another gender, but also allow students to become more responsible. In addition, students who study in single-gender schools can experience difficulties in interacting with opposite sex.

However, some people are convinced that studying in one place has a lot of disadvantages. Students is said to be distracted a lot by another gender. Moreover, students can be afraid of expressing their opinions while doing team work.

I cannot this opinion because if a student really wants to focus on his studying, he cannot be distracted by other gender. Besides, being confident in his own opinion a student does not pay attention to his classmate’s views.

All in all, I would like to stress that nowadays boys and girls should not study in single-gender schools, because co-educational schools create an enjoyable atmosphere which helps t o make academic progress. I still think that this kind of schools is the place where they can learn how to bring up connection with everyone.



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