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The most important thing in life is family + письмо «Yesterday I saw a documentary film about tigers» (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are a lot of discussions about human priorities. Some people are convinced that a person cannot live without family, while others believe that family is not necessary for a person.

To begin with, I want to point out that family is the most important thing in one`s life. Firstly, if you have relatives, you will not feel that you are lonely. Family members are supportive, and therefore it is easier to cope with

any problem together than to do it alone. Secondly, if a person does not have parents, it is difficult for them to live in the world. No one will protect you, or give a piece of advice. Thirdly, family implies its members` readiness to assist in any situation. For example, relatives definitely help you if

you do not have any means to live.

Nevertheless, some opine that family is not vital to a person.

First of all, they claim that the main thing in life is work. Moreover, the lack of family has some advantages. For instance, no one has control over you.

Anyway, I disagree with my opponents. Everyone will get tired of loneliness. The results of work will not make you happy because you do not have anyone who shares your joy. In addition, children who live in orphanages understand the real importance of having a family. They are eager to have parents who would care about them. It proves that life without a family is bleak.

Summing up, I want to stress that family is extremely necessary for everyone.





Dear Mary,

Thanks for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you again. I`m sorry I haven`t answered earlier, but I was really busy at school.

In your letter you asked me about films. Well, I think that documentary films are better than feature films. We discover something new about our world thanks to the documentary ones. Actually, people should donate money to support endangered animals. To be honest, I find dogs and cats amazing because they`re the best human friends.

By the way, I want to ask you some questions about your ball. What type of dress have you chosen? How many people will attend the ball? Are you going to the ball alone or with friends?

Unfortunately, I have to go now because my mum is calling me.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,



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