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With the internet we no longer need TV (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the Internet has become an important part of people’s lives. Some people consider that it can fully replace television. However, others think differently.

In my opinion, TV is not actual anymore. Firstly, television offer only certain programs and films, while on the Internet you can choose it to your interests. Secondly, there are too much advertising on the TV and you cannot turn it off. Thirdly, TV really lags far behind the Internet. For instance, you should wait till next week to watch new episode of your favorite series on television but it had been already on the Net.

At the same time, some people think differently. They consider that TV is like a tradition. They say that watching TV with whole family after a hard day in the evening reminds childhood and a warmth.

Also, in their opinion, watching news on television is more convenient on TV than in the Net because you do not need to search the information by yourself.

As for me, I do not agree with the opinion above. I think there are many variants of spending time together much more interesting on the Internet than on the TV. For example, playing computer games together or chatting on skype with other people. Also, people can find what happens worldwide on the Internet without being influenced while television cannot offer it.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above I would like to say, that it is up to you to choose TV or the Internet. However, I believe that the Internet is much better than television. That is why it will sooner substitute TV fully.


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