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A person should never make decisions alone (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Personal decisions... There are a lot of points of view on this matter. Some people say it is easy for a person to make decisions whereas others believe one needs a company to do so.

As far as I am concerned, one person should not change the world alone. To start with, there can be people who were brought up in different ways so it is important to know their opinion. Moreover, a person can consult with someone who has already been in the situation like this before. In addition, a person's choice can be affected by stress so it is not safe to leave someone alone with the problem.

In contrast, there is an opinion that there are always people who pursue selfish ends.

Then, such people also admit that decisions made by several people often require a lot of time.

In fact, I cannot agree with them because a person can ask their relatives and close friends for help. Actually, some important choices require company since much like the people's lives depend on it.

In conclusion, I would like to state that people should not make decisions on their own since the choice made by several people guarantees objectivity and takes into account the interests of several parties.


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