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Children should spend holidays in summer camps / Everyone should know the history of the country they live in (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In summer there are different options for kids to spend their free time. Some people believe that the best place for spending summer time is to go to a summer camp, while others claim that it is safer for children to stay at home during the summer break.

In my opinion, summer camps offer children many organized activities. In summer camp we can learn how to build relationships, play a lot of outdoor games with our new friends or with our team leader.

However, some people do not agree with this option. They believe that smth bad could happened with their child. They think that there is no freedom in summer camp and children should spend their summer as they won’t.

Unfortunately, I cannot agree with that. There are a lot of team leaders in camps who can look after children and nothing bad could happened.

And I can say that streets are also dangerous. If children have too much freedom they may try doing bad things.

To sum up, I would like to say that summer camps are a great place to spend summer free time.

It goes without saying that every country has a long remarkable history. Some people believe that it is necessary to know the country`s historical part. Others do not realize the importance.

In my opinion, learning historical events can lead to future development of the country. Firstly, if you know how to prevent wars based on the historic background the people can live and work peacefully. Secondly, knowledge of the history gives person a lot of benefits as citizen, they know their rights, they can vote, thy can change something in the country. Finally, if we remember the past we can be proud of our grandparents, their victories.

There is an opposing opinion. Some people say that not anyone ought to know historical facts about his country. History corresponded many times and no one really knows what was before us. Knowledge of history does not guarantee that people will be proud of their ancestors.

I am afraid I cannot agree with this idea. History was corresponded, but a lot of what we learn about it is really true, because it has been verified by many scientists. And the fact that people are not proud of their ancestors suggests that these people do not know enough history.

To conclude, I think that all people should know their history and the history of their country, because who knows history knows the future.


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