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Про район и дом, про любимый памятник в России Spotlight 11 класс culture corner 3 ex.5 p.57. Ex 3.p.58 (Школьные сочинения)


I live in Ertil, Russia. My neighbourhood located in the centre of the city. Ertil is a small town without many interesting places where you can go and enjoy the time. I live in a big comfortable house. There are three rooms and toilet and kitchen. The biggest room of our house belongs to me and my bed and armchair and many other furniture fit there easily with some free space. We also have a kitchen-garden and toilet outdoors.

Ex.5 p.57

My favourite monument in Russia is the Bronze horseman.

It is located on Senate square in Saint-Petersburg. The monument is dedicated to Peter the great. It is a bronze statue which depicts the Peter the great riding the horse. It is called Bronze horseman wrongly and because of the same named Alexander Pushkin’s poem. The visitors can see there a lot of other sights located closely except the Bronze horseman. It’s for example Saint Isaac’s Cathedral and the State Hermitage Museum. The visitors also can enjoy the beautiful landscapes and view of the Neva river. The visitors can go on a tours where they can see these sights even inside and learn more about them.

Ex 3.p.58

The UNICEF is responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children around the world. This organisation protects the childrens and parents rights. The offices of this organisation located in 21 countries in Europe and Central Europe. You can get involved by becoming a volunteer, National Officer, International Professional etc.


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