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Childhood is the safest period of human's life (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Many people believe that maturity is full of dangers whereas childhood is vice versa. Others disagree with this point of view, they claim that children are more at risk than adults..

I agree with the statement that when we are young we are in safe. First of all, relatives and other adults including kindergateners or teachers control all our life. Adults feed their children, dress, buy them everything needments, look after during illness. Parents try to protect us from all misfortunes. Then, children do not have to make money for living because the state and parents provide all comfortable living conditions.

Neverthless, we can find a contrary opinion. Some people are sure that childhood is not as safe as it seems. These people think that babies do not have the instinct of self-preservation.

It often happens that children get injured because they do not understand what is dangerous or not. What is more, there are lots of criminals who use childish naivety for their insidious plans. For example they can persuade the child to open the door and rob the apartment. Kidnapping is also widely spread.

However, I cannot agree with this opinion completely because parents always teach children that strangers cannot be trusted. Then, humanity invented many special facilities for children`s safety that let parents leave their child for some time without sense of anxiety.

According to the arguments presented above, I can note that childhood is the best perios of time when we can live happily and carelessly.


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