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Distance learning is the best form of education пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Distance learning is the best form of education.

The modern world is experiencing great changes in almost every sphere of life including education. Some people consider distant learning is the most effective form of education, while others claim that the traditional way of studying is better.

In my opinion, distance learning is a great alternative to classical education as it has a huge number of benefits. Firstly, it is convenient as it gives people a great opportunity to make their own study schedule and get knowledge whenever and wherever they want. Secondly, distant education is more appropriate for those who have a busy lifestyle. Thus, adults or teenagers, who work part or full-time, can simultaneously get steady income and strong knowledge.

Thirdly, distance education is generally less expensive than traditional private classes with tutors, so this kind of studying is accessible and affordable to everyone.

Nevertheless, there are people who suppose that the traditional way of learning is more preferable for people.

However, I do not agree with the above-mentioned opinion. I believe that computer will not bring any difficulties for people, who are really determined to get educated. Moreover, there are a lot of qualified teachers in the Internet, who are impossible to be found if a person lives in a small town or village.

In conclusion, despite all possible advantages of the traditional schooling I still do think that distance learning is the best form of education as it is convenient and beneficial for people and it will be widely used in the nearest future.


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