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Clothes people are wearing can influent their behaviour (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is an opinion that clothes people wear can affect the way they will act. The ones who think this way say that our temper depends on the colour, type of clothes we have on us. Still, the rest are sure that our behaviour and mood do not depend on such things as this. Let us seek for the truth!

As I think, our clothes has some kind of influence on our mood and attitude. For instance, bright colours can affect us in positive way, making the one to wear it more converstionable, while clothes of darker shades does right the opposite, making a person more reasonable and calm. Moreover, some certain colours also display different special situations in most countries with strong traditions and customs like white being symbol of mourning in countries of Asia. After all, person's clothing style often makes a great impression on other people, both good and bad.

However, there are ones who think another way.

Firstly, their reason in thinking so is that clothes does not play such a great role and is just a piece of tissue. Finally, they suppose that only a sense of humour and charisma can really impress somebody.

Anyway, I do not agree with the last point of view. I think that a good impression can be made by both good manners and smart clothes in their conjunction with each other, but not apart.

In conclusion I would like to say once more that clothes can affect our temper, our behaviour and our appearance very much, and it is very important for a person to know what clothes to put on.


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