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One cannot make real friends online. Реальный экзаменационный вариант 2019. 14 баллов (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of making friends has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that it is impossible to find a true friend via social networks. The others believe that the way of making acquaintance online is good and proper. In my essay I am going to express my personal opinion on the matter, debate with my opponents and draw the balanced conclusion.

In my opinion, people cannot find bosom friends on the Internet. There are many things to be said in favor of this point of view.

Firstly, a lot of people hide the information about their lives and do not post photos of themselves. One cannot fully trust the person he/she does not know exactly. Secondly, one can face hackers in social networks who seem open and pure only at first. But actually, they make contacts with people, play the role of friends, steal needful data and money and vanish forever.

However, not all people share my opinion. They suppose that online communication is essential to find true friends for shy people who cannot make any acquaintance alive.

Nevertheless, I do not support the above mentioned idea. First of all, modest people stay humble even online and are always afraid to lose the friend they would never ever see. Besides, it is almost impossible to start communicating with your online friend in real life as expectations can easily break.

In conclusion, summarizing all the points, I strongly believe that there is no possibility to make a real friend online. Alive communication is the best way to build strong relationships with people.


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