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Артур Конан Дойль. Шерлок Холмс. Этюд в багровых тонах. Краткое содержание на русском и английском (Английская Литература)

Краткое содержание на английском языке.

This summer, I have read the work of Arthur Conan Doyle "Sherlock Holmes. A Study in Scarlet".

This book tells that Dr.Watson has returned to London after the war in Afghanistan and was looking for a cheap apartment. His old friend has introduced Watson to Sherlock Holmes, who was looking for a roommate. Dr. Watson became interested in the person of Sherlock Holmes and they have divided the apartment.

Soon police officer Gregson has informed Sherlock Holmes about the murder. The detective and Watson have arrived at the scene of the crime. He has noticed every detail which have helped him to solve the case.

Murderer has told the story: My name is Jefferson Hope. I loved one girl. But one day the brothers Drebber and Stengerson killed her father for not observing religion, and forced her to marry. Soon she has died of grief. And then I have vowed to take revenge. For many years I was hunting them and finally has found them in London. I have got a job as a taxi driver and have lured the drunk Drebber into an empty house where I have offered two pills to choose from. One was harmless, the second was poison. Afraid Drebber have grabbed a poisonous pill and died. When I have found Stangerson, he refused to take the pills, and I killed him with a knife. "Before the trial, Hope died in the prison cell."

In the newspapers, has appeared a note that police officers Gregson and Lestrade cleverly caught the killer. But Dr. Watson kept a diary in which he was writing down all the facts, and the public learnt that actually Sherlock Holmes has caught the criminal. Аll the details of this book you can find out by reading it yourself.

Краткое содержание в переводе на русский язык.

Этим летом я прочитала произведение Артура Конан Дойля "Шерлок Холмс. Этюд в багровых тонах".

В этой книге рассказывается о том, как Доктор Уотсон возвращается в Лондон и ищет недорогую квартиру. Его старый друг знакомит Уотсона с Шерлоком Холмсом, который ищет сожителя. Доктор Ватсон заинтересовался личностью Шерлока Холмса и они поделили квартиру (стали сожителями).

Вскоре инспектор полиции Грегсон сообщает Шерлоку Холмсу о произошедшем убийстве. Взяв Уотсона, сыщик прибывает на место преступления. Он замечает каждую деталь, с помощью которых вскоре раскрывает дело.

Пойманный убийца рассказывает свою историю:

Не дожив до суда, Хоуп умирает в тюремной камере.


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