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Friendship is the best gift (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Friendship is considered to be one of the central human's experiences and for many people it may be as important as love. Some people think that friendship is the most valuable thing in human's life, whereas others claim that the role of companionship is overestimated. So, the topic is debatable.

I am personally convinced that everybody needs friendship. First, when you are surrounded with friends you always have someone to talk to and share the darkest secrets. It means that friendship involves trust and sincerity, loyalty and support. So, you do not feel alone. Second, friendship is communication. Nothing is more important when your friends provide you with a shoulder. All in all, friendship is something that happens naturally among people that have something in common.

However, some people believe that friendship is overrated.

They say that having friend is unimportant and you should rely only on yourself. Therefore, there is no need to have a friend as not all friends feel happy at your success.

Nevertheless, I cannot fully agree with the opponents. You can not only share your interests with friends but also complain or express your feelings and it will be easier to overcome the pain if you are supported by someone.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I want to say that friends are part and parcel of our life and it is always beneficial to have someone whom you trust and count on. So, friendship is the best gift.


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