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The best time is that spent with family and friends example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is impossible to imagine our life without family and friends. Some people believe that for one nothing can be better than to spend time with the people closest to them whereas others claim that a person can experience the most wonderful moments of their life only when staying alone.

In my opinion, only the time spent with friends and family can be considered to be the happiest. I have some reasons to support my point of view. Firstly, one cannot have better time than that which is spent with their family and friends as he or she loves these people the most and enjoys talking to them and doing various activities together. What is more, the time spent with friends and family is the happiest as only these people can significantly support one when he or she goes through a hard time and make a person feel better no matter what the obstacles are.

However, there are those who are convinced that the time when a person stays alone is the most valuable.

They say that a person can fully relax and enjoy their time only if they are not bothered by other people. Silence and tranquillity are claimed to be the most significant treasures.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with my opponents’ opinion. If a person spends their time alone, they will soon feel lack of communication and simply get bored so such moments cannot be regarded as pleasant at all.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that opinions may vary, yet I firmly believe that the greatest time of one’s life is always connected with their friends and family.


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