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It's beneficial in many ways to host international sport events (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

11 из 14
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There are some sport events which many countries take part in, such as the Olympic games. Such international events are usually hosted by one or two nations. Some say hosting can benefit the country, others do not agree. I would like to express my point of view on the subject.

In my opinion, hosting international sport events can cause damage to a country. First, it is very expensive.

Some national economies are not strong enough to cover the costs of the needed buildings, sport

equipment and accommodation for the foreign athletes. Second, it does not always help develop the

sport infrastructure. The new stadiums and gymnasiums are often left to collapse after the competitions are finished, as they are either not needed or not beneficial enough. This often happens when not particularly wealthy countries host the Olympic games.

However, some people argue that hosting international sport events is good.

They insist it is a great

chance to develop tourism, because many people visit the host country to participate in or observe the event.

I do not agree with this opinion. Along with regular tourists, many criminals might use this opportunity to enter the country. They might pretend to be sport fans but commit crimes later.

In conclusion, there are different opinions on the subject. Personally, I think a country might benefit from hosting a global sport competition only if it has a reliable economy and a flawless security system. Otherwise, it is harmful and dangerous for the nation.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Коммуникативная задача решена на очень хорошем уровне. Сомнительно разве что утверждение о том, что страна-хозяйка оплачивает пребывание иностранных спортсменов. Скорее всего, их пребывание оплачивается отправляющей стороной.

К2 (организация текста) – 1 балл

По какой-то причине некорректно выполнено деление текста на абзацы – текст выглядит рваным, причём часто перенос на новый абзац осуществляется прямо посреди предложения.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

Значительных отклонений от лексических норм не отмечено.

К4 (грамматика) – 2 балла

1) Some say hosting can benefit – Some say hosting large-scale sport competitions can benefit [Без последующего дополнения фраза со словом hosting выглядит неполной];

2) benefit the country – benefit a country [Лучше использовать неопределённый артикль, поскольку речь идёт об абстрактной стране];

3) country, others do not agree – country, while others do not agree [Желательно добавить слово while для более плавного построения противопоставления];

4) for the foreign athletes – for foreign athletes [Артикль необязателен].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

Серьёзных недочётов не выявлено.

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