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How to improve educational system in Russia (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Good morning and thank you for inviting me here today. As we know, our educational system is currently struggling to stay efficient and needs immediate changes. So without further ado, let me make suggestions on how to improve the system.

First, we should work on raising the salaries and prestige of teachers in society. I believe that motivation and respect work miracles. However, it is important that teachers update their knowledge and self-improve on a continuous basis.

Similarly, it is necessary to ensure constant education funding. More resources for research must be allocated to set a solid foundation for science development in our country.

Finally, teachers and professors at universities should implement more practice during their classes to bust attention for their subject.

Theoretical part of teaching is important but some things must be demonstrated and practiced.

Of course, time is needed for these changes to be made and to work but I suggest starting working on providing the best education for future generations today.



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