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TV shows (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Personally,I think that both participants an viewers have to deal with reality TV disadvantages. Firstly,participants do not have any privacy and they cannot control what ends up on TV.Secondly, some reality shows encourage poor behaviour.Many viewers believe that what they are watching is indeed «reality»,and they begin to act in the same way as those in the shows.Thirdly,reality shows often teach young people that humiliation is quite acceptable and that is a necessary step towards success.

However,some people say that reality shows can have some benefits.Firstly,they can teach viewers that hard work and self-confidence help to overcome all difficulties.Additionally,reality shows allow participants to display and develop their talents or to win large sums of money.

Anyway,I do not think thst reality shows change participants’ lives for the better.On the contrary, actors are often put in embarrassing siruations,which can damage their reputation.Participants’ behavior that appears on TV may ruin their careers and damage their relationships with family and friends.Besides,although some reality shows are inspirational,most of them are silly.

To conclude,reality shows encourage viewers to derive entertainment from the suffering and humiliation of other people.They have no educational value and do not give us food for thought. In my opinion,when it comes to reality shows the negatives outweigh the positives.


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