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Is Social Media useful? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the past, people used newspapers to be aware of news and wrote each other letters to keep in touch. Nowadays, nobody needs it, as there is social media, which can replace everything. However, this way has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, too. I agree that there are both strong points and weak points in social media. I am going to speak about them and if social media is useful enough.

First of all, social media allows people to communicate and find out everything new very fast. One thing people need is to refresh the page, that is all. Secondly, spending time on social media, for example for reading news does not take so much time as reading newspapers. The main information can be found easily. Furthermore, using social media is several times cheaper than classical methods of communication or being aware of the news.

The first disadvantage is that people can easily catch Internet addiction.

Nowadays, it is one of the most common problems. Everybody sits and looks at their devices. Secondly, social media can cause eye problems, as people always need to look at the screen.

To my mind, social media is extremely useful and important and it has more advantages than disadvantages. If people use it wisely, there will not be any problems. Honestly, I do not think that people have enough time, that they can write letters and read newspapers every day.

To conclude, technologies will replace old-fashioned things. Social media are technological things. So, people have to put up with it and live further.


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