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There are to many cars in our cities making lifes unpleasant with high level of polution and traffic jams (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, there are many families that have more than one car. Therefore, there are a lot of traffic jams and the air is becoming more and more polluted. But there are some solutions of these problems.

The first method of solution of these problems lies in making public transport more available, cheaper, faster and separate the lanes of public and common transport. This would encourage people to use public transport instead of driving their cars. Another way of solving these problems is making roads in the city paid for car holders. This way people will rarely use cars. Or the government can make people pay taxes for cars if the family has more than one car at their disposal, so fewer cars will be sold.

To my mind , there is another way of solution to the air pollution problem.

People can buy electric cars which are not so harmful for people's health . But this can't solve the problem of traffic jams.

To sum up, I think that the government can solve both of these problems but they do not take it into consideration. If they really wanted to solve these problems they could have made the public transport better or made people pay taxes for more than one car in family and for using car in a city center. I am more than sure that all these problems can be easily solved.


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