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Friendship пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Friendship is something we can not touch, it is a feeling that warms everyones' hearts. People have long been discussing this problem. Everyone can have a slightly different point of view. Here I will consider only two of them, but fundamentially opposite ones. Some people believe that having friends is the greatest thing in life while others have certain doubts about that.

Personally, I belong to the group of those who consider friendship as a gift of God. Let me just explain why. Lets begin with a fact that friends provide emotinal help when you are experiencing any dificulties in life. Secondly, you have a person that will always help you with money and living. You can stay at your friends' when your are short of money or when you have just mooved from your parents to live on your own.

And you can always lean on your friends' back!

Nevertheless, there are people who outspeak against this point of view and they have following arguments. They claim that your friend can once betray you that wil conscicountly destroy your future. Moreover, they believe that friendship is very tiring because there can always occur arguments that hurt your feelings.

I can not agree with their point of view. I believe that it should take some time to find a a true friend you can always rely on and whom you can trust. What is more, I am sure that arguments help to improve your friendship and make it even stronger.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I see no reasonable arguments in favour of the opposite point of view. That is why I claim that friendship should be considered as a wonder of life.


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