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Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are a lot of environmental problems nowadays like global warming, different kinds of pollution and others. One of them is becoming more and more urgent every day. People produce litter in enormous quantities. In my essay, I am going to discuss why it happens and how governments can solve such problems.

(the population is growing. introduce incineration projects. )To my mind, one of the biggest reasons for the considerable problem is overpopulation.

A lot of children are born every day, in consequence, the number of earthlings is gradually increasing. Furthermore, people need more and more stuff, because the life develops and quantity of materials grows also, that cause more and more rubbish.

(educate people about litter pollution excessive consumerism. ecological awareness. lack. increase public awareness of ecological dangers)Our governments can solve the problem like this in the beginning stage. A lot of people believe that we can just throw it away in oceans for example. There are a lot of other ways to do it which are more ecologically friendly. One of them is incineration. Workers can burn all rubbish to make free space for next garbage lot. In this way, people can use rubbish for their purposes. There is an opportunity to recycle litter for getting useful materials.

To conclude, people will have difficulties in the future if they do not cope with ecological problems nowadays. Enormous quantities of rubbish can cause other problems. Not to have the critical situation people ally and save our future.


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