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Studying foreign languages can foreign your life (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Many people think that learning a foreign language can change their lives, but at the same time others disagree. Many advantages and disadvantages of learning foreign languages can be considered in more detail. Of course, the advantages include the fact that the study of foreign languages opens many doors for us: a new high-paying job, new friends and new opportunities. However, there is only one negative impact-it is the difficulties that arise in the study of foreign languages. Today it is generally recognized that every educated person knows at least a small part of a foreign language.

I believe that learning a foreign language is a very important step, it is the education of every person. Someone who doesn't learn languages can't consider himself an educated person, diversifield.

Thanks to the knowledge of a foreign language, anyone can always find a job is not hopeless, and feel confident while abroad on a working visit or seed trip.

Despite this, there is an opposite opinion-it is undesirable to learn languages. This is judged by people in terms of spending a huge amount of time, a lot of money and emigration. People who learn foreign languages often emigrate outside the homeland of the tain state, which has a negative impact on its development.

All the arguments given in the text prove that everyone should learn a foreign language. In conclusion, in the mast for example. However, there are advantages of several languages in the necessary for the development of society.


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