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Sports unite people (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Sport has become an integral part of our life long ago. It is popularly believed that doing or watching sport can bring people together. However, some of them say about negative consequences of doing sport.

In my opinion, sport is a great power able to unite different views. Firstly, sport promotes exchange of experience regardless of nationality or the origin. Secondly, sports provides the opportunity of nonverbal communication so you can make an acquaintance with a foreigner . Thirdly, sport is always up to date phenomenon and people can discuss it endlessly.

On the other hand, some people claim sport builds barriers between people. To begin with, not every sportsman is ready to accept defeat and can become too aggressive.

Moreover, there are enough people who are not the professionals and not interested in sport events. Last but not least, nowadays policy is becoming involved in sport life and undermine it.

I cannot agree with the opposing opinion. A person should not be a sportsman to be an ardent fan of any football team for example. You can even watch competitions on TV at home with your friend or family. Furthermore, there are special laws that guarantee the fairness of refereeing and organization of sport events.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two opposing views on the problem of uniting power of sport, but I strongly believe that this phenomenon can make people more friendly and tolerant.


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