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Everyone should read about historical sites before visiting them (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Visiting historical sites is always an adventure, which most people are likely to be prepared to. Others hesitate: should everyone read about historical sites before visiting them? There are two different points of view on this topic. Some people claim that reading about the sites is quite helpful, whilst others find it useless and visit sites without any knowledge.

As for me, everyone should read about historical sites before visiting them. The information about what you are going to see is always quite helpful because you get to know the site good enough, which will make the navigation around the historical location easier. Not only does it make your tour more comfortable, but it also helps to memorize the information.

However, some people have another point of view.

They claim that reading about historical sites is unnecessary. They say that it’s a total waste of time as you cannot find everything in the third-party sources and all the useful information can be found on various tablets all around the sites.

Taking into account the reason introduced above, I still disagree with it. I’m convinced that allocating time for educational purposes is quite useful. Firstly, you’re able to find much more information than on local tablets that are missing sometimes. The information you get will later help you to understand the site. Secondly, when we look at a visual representation of what we've read about recently, we are presumably to memorize it.

Though there are two points of view on this problem, whether to read about historical sites before visiting them or not, I am still convinced that everyone should study the site before going.


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