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«Everyone should wear a uniform for school» (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Today almost every school requires to wear a school uniform. Some students think that it is quite a good kind of uniform. But others feel anxious about it. So who is really right?

I personally believe that school uniform should not be compulsory. Firstly, all students have their own style. That is why, we should have opportunity to express our individuality as uniform restricts our freedom of expression. Besides, I find uniform less comfortable than my regular clothes as I feel hot in it and it is difficult to wear it all day. Therefore, school uniform destroy easy and light atmosphere at school and makes it more official as all student look the same.

However, some people claim that uniform is useful for school.

Firstly, school uniform helps us to be more responsible and better disciplined. Actually it helps us to avoid discrimination because of clothes as not everyone can afford themselves to wear trendy clothes. Secondly, all students have a sense of belonging to a certain school and everyone should proud of it.

Anyway, I disagree with this opinion. If all students wear the same uniform every day, it will be boring and monotonous days of their school life. As for discipline, it might not be compulsory to wear only black, white or grey colors of clothes because colors do not influence on the discipline. In fact, every student feels pride for the school even without wearing special clothes.

Summing up, despite the opinion of some people, I`m sure that students should have opportunity to choose their own style of clothes and be independent as all of them feel freedom of choice.


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