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The 1st of September is a special day not only for pupils and teachers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Every year a large number of school pupils go to school. Some people believe that the first day of the new school year is a momentous event for all people. However, others argue that there is nothing special for people who do not connected with school.

From my point of view, the 1st of September is a special day only for pupils. Firstly, this day is repeated every year and only young generation are excited about it because they are going to get a lot of knowledge and experience. Secondly, ordinary workers or parents of students are no longer surprised by this day, for them it is just a new day, no more than that.

However, some people think that the 1st of September is a special day for many group of people such as pupil s parents, grandparents and all school workers. These people claim that all people who connected with school or whose children are going to educational institution for the first time perceive this day as a celebration.

For instance, relatives accompany the children to the first bell, dress up, take the younger and older children, the teachers rejoice the new pupils, the workers are touched by this spectacle.

I disagree with the opinion above. On the 1st September only first-formers and their teachers sincerely rejoice and excited. For the rest of the people this is a routine which is not surprising. For example, children are worried because they never went to school, they wonder about what will be there.

In conclusion, even though some may disagree with me, I believe that the first day of September is a special event only for pupils and teachers.


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