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Fast food outlets should be closed пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Fast food outlets are known to be very popular in almost every country. Many people do not imagine their life without eating there while others believe that fast food outlets should not exist. So, who is right?

To tell the truth, I am convinced that having fast food outlets is a necessity. Firstly, prices there are acceptable. Your lunch in McDonald’s will be three times cheaper than in the cheapest restaurant. Secondly, you do not have to wait for a long time in these places. Your order will be ready in less than 10 minutes.

However, many people are sure that fast food outlets should be closed. They believe that these outlets offer unhealthy food that is harmful for us. Furthermore, they say that there are other places where the quality of products is better.

I am afraid, I cannot agree with such arguments because these outlets offer fast food rather than junk food. That is why they cook healthy meals, but there is only a small amount of them. Moreover, today there are many offices with fast food outlets nearby and sometimes you need to walk thirty minutes to find another place for healthy eating.

To sum up, I strongly believe that fast food outlets should not be closed. Though there are people who find eating there dangerous, it is certainly not my choice.


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