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Some schools have a hostile attitude to their students using mobile phones at school. \ On-line education - good / bad (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

all gadgets must be strictly prohibited to be taken to school. First of all, it is impossible to concentrate on studying while any mobiles emit sounds. Secondly, it constitutes a problem for any teacher to take any lessons when all the students are chatting with each other in Social Networks. Moreover, sometimes students from primary school can be attacked for purpose of robbery due to their expensive Smartphones.

On the other hand, some parents insist that students should be allowed to take their mobiles to school.

According to their opinion, constant connecting with pupils, is able to reduce a number of incidents that happen with children: parents can always bring books left at home or some kind of it. whole life of a human can be divided into several parts, and each of them has its good and bad side. cherished by their parents who watch them every single second and never let them take dangerous actions. Also, when you are super young you do not have to worry about anything – and this is another reason to feel safe.


все гаджеты должны быть строго запрещены к школе. Прежде всего, невозможно сосредоточиться на изучении, в то время как любые мобильные телефоны излучают звуки. Во-вторых, для любого учителя возникает проблема, когда все ученики общаются друг с другом в социальных сетях. Более того, иногда учеников начальной школы можно атаковать с целью ограбления из-за их дорогостоящих смартфонов.

С другой стороны, некоторые родители настаивают на том, чтобы ученикам разрешалось брать свои мобильные телефоны в школу.


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