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Ufa Russia 2017 Dear John,

Thanks a lot for your letter.

Oh, by the way, do you remember Lucy, my dog? She's just had six puppies!!!…

ask 3 questions about his dog and/or its puppies. Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing. Vologda, Russia January, 1

Dear David,

I’m so happy to receive your letter.Thank you. I'm sorry for not writing you so long. I had a lot of homework.

It’s cool that you finally decided which college is exactly for you.

You asked me about university.I’d like to be a judge.It’ll be possible if I study at Moscow State Juris Academy.I’m in love with Right. That’s why studying it ‘s my life’s work.If I don’t get accepted I’ll try to enter less popular universities.

Will you keep one of puppies?What colors does their hair?Does Lucy is alright? As for me, I’m going to go to college because my parents want me to and I myself feel like doing it. Wish me luck! Who came up with the idea of bicycle trip?

Sorry but I must do.My friend is waiting for me.

think it's important to record family history because moments with your family are the most pleasent and enjoyable. In my opinion, each member of the family should do it. The beast way is to take photos or to make A film about the family. By the way, how old is your mum? Which interests does your mom have? What gift do you think will be the best for her? Unfortunately, As for me, I`d like to be an English teacher. I think it`s really great to teach students and help them to improve their knowledge in English.

See you soon. Best wishes, Liza.


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