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Music is something that distracts people from daily routine пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In our life there are different factors that influence people. One of them is music. Some people think that this mean of art can be a way of abstraction from stressful life. Others, on the contrary claim that music affects people badly. So can music help people in their life full of nerves?

As far as I’m concerned, music has only beneficial impact on people’s lives. Firs and foremost, music might help us to relax from daily routine. Secondly, music can generate in people creativity and inspiration. Therefore, they can become more imaginative in different activities, such as painting, writing, dancing. Last but not least, music gives people a chance to unwind from all their troubles that they might have at their work or in life.

Nevertheless, other people are sure that music has only bad effect on us.

It is said that some kinds of music make people more nervous and irritable. This may lead to appearance of people’s aggressive behavior. What is more, those people who listen to music at high volumes may face problems with hearing.

Although these arguments might seem reasonable, I still believe that music is very advantageous. People can choose classical music to listen: that type of music can only calm people down. Furthermore, not to have problems with health, they should be aware of loud music.

All things considered, though people should choose genres music carefully and its volume, I believe that this mean of art influences people only in a positive way. Music accompanies us through the whole life. You just need to find that music which suits you and enjoy it.


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