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Children should be taught to understand and enjoy classical music (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays classical music has become not as popular as it used to be. Thus, in order to prevent its extinction, some people claim that children should be taught to understand and enjoy it, while others argue that classical music belongs to the past. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

The first thing I would like to point out is that it is known that classical music shows the high art preferences of those, who listens to it. So, some parents believe that studying classical music, would improve their children’s taste. Moreover, according to the number of scientific researches, it has been proven that listening to the classical music has beneficial effect on the kids. In addition, it is believed that children, who study about great musicians, their lives and works, are growing more intelligent and highly educated.

However, there are some people, who suppose classical music to be dying out.

They say that it belongs to the past. Thereby, children should not waste their time on studying classical music. Finally, some parents believe that it is their children’s personal choice on what they should learn, as they are free to do what their hearts are led for.

To a certain extent, it is right, but personally I think that everyone should know classical music’ composers and their music, as it is our history, which we are supposed to honor and preserve for future generations.

To sum up, I believe that everyone should be taught to understand and enjoy classical music.


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